ZURICH, SWITZERLAND, 14.10.2020 – Customer Experience Management (CXM) pioneers SANDSIV announces that it has been named a Substantial Market Challenger in Omdia’s Market Radar for AI-Enabled Experience Management Platforms.
Omdia evaluated nine XM systems on the range of their capabilities, the depth of their AI implementations, the breadth of their data-gathering functionality, and the maturity of their analytics and reporting features. sandsiv+ scored high marks on each of these criteria, marking it as an XM platform fully prepared to compete against the biggest names in the field.
The report makes special note of sandsiv+’s agility and flexibility. Clients can choose from a wide range of deployment options, from entirely cloud-based to completely in-house installations. “Its agile platform and consulting approach,” says the study’s author, Principal Analyst Jeremy Cox, “enable rapid returns on investment…. Product updates are released to all clients when ready, with as many as eight releases a day.”
sandsiv+’s remarkable agility is built into its very architecture. “When we first conceived of our flagship platform, sandsiv+,” says SANDSIV CTO Denis Terebiy, “we refused to compromise on either security or performance. That’s why we started with the most secure infrastructure possible, then found ways to deploy and update it that offered the execution speed our customers demand while allowing our developers to constantly roll out new innovations.
“Deploying updates through Kubernetes (K8s) allows us to do just that. Our clients see the results in unmatched access to indirect and implied customer opinion, responsive analytics that serve the needs of employees across the enterprise, and silo-busting integration of data sources. We believe that the customer experience should inform everyone’s work, from the C-suite to the sales team. We’ve developed a tool that helps companies achieve just that.”
Future plans for the platform include a suite of insight-gathering tools developed expressly for the mobile environment, along with augmented visualizations of data and dashboards that succinctly and actionably chart the impact of digital transformation on the customer experience.
SANDSIV may have older, more established competitors, Omdia notes, but “it punches well above its weight, as evidenced by a growing roster of recognized brands.” For a copy of the Omdia report, please visit http://bit.ly/sandsiv_omdia. To learn more about how SANDSIV is transforming the way that companies around the world meet the needs of current and future customers, please contact us at sales@sandsiv.com.
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