Saturday, September 7, 2024

Browsing the "Customer Analytics" Tag

Leading global airline selects SandSIV’s VOC Hub™ to centralise and manage their Voice of Customer and Passenger Feedback

Zurich, 18th October 2017 — SandSIV, the Customer Experience (CX) Platform provider, has today announced that one of the world’s largest airlines has selected SandSIV’s VOC Hub™ to unify and analyse its entire feedback ecosystem. The carrier joins other major business-to-consumer [...]

October 18, 2017 Customer Analytics, Customer Experience, GDPR, sandsiv+, VOC HUB

UPC Cablecom achieving 94% accuracy in text classification with SandSIV’s VoC Classify

VoC Classify by SandSIV is an automated text classification engine, one that achieves a 94% accuracy rate in a live environment. VoC Classify is a statistical text classification application that has been developed by SandSIV, to provide a high-performance platform [...]

October 16, 2014 Customer Analytics, Customer Experience, sandsiv+, Telecom, VOC HUB, Voice of the Customer